File to File Translation and Conversion
Information comes in many different file formats. The ability to quickly access information and share this among different databases, software systems, and workflows is crucial. This grants businesses access to make critical decisions to move forward in this fast paced world.
When you require assistance integrating existing data into your project Digital Data Services, Inc. (DDS) can help you. Our Consultants have worked with the conversion of many different file formats and have integrated those formats into tangible workflows designed specifically for our clients. Aside from a common desktop document, database, spreadsheet, and image formats; DDS has the ability to convert more than 100 spatial data formats; (including GML, XML, WFS, Autodesk, DWG/DXF, MicroStation Design, MapInfo, MID/MIF and TAB, Oracle and Oracle Spatial, and Intergraph GeoMedia Warehouse). We also have the capabilities to export more than 70 spatial data formats.
Examples of File Formats